Sunday, August 19, 2012

Date 23: A nice 6 mile run to Holmes Lake.

At some point I will get caught up on this blog!  Rest assured, Wendy & I are still going on our dates.  Not sure if this is actually date 23 or not...but it should be close.  I need to go back thru our facebook status's and check.

On top of Holmes Lake Dam half way thru the run!
So this turned out to be one of those practical dates...we wanted to spend time together and Wendy needed to get a training run in as she prepares for her 2nd half-marathon!  She's AWESOME!  This will be her 2nd half-marathon in 2012.  She just started running just over 1 year ago.  We are both amazed at how far she has come.  She is so into running now, she's got a subscription to Runner's World, bought some cute running outfits & has a favorite brand/model of running shoes that she gets from The Lincoln Running Company.    

On top of the dam...our footwear. Yes I wear the funny looking toe shoes!  I love 'em!
I told Wendy that I would be her body guard since we were starting the run at dusk after she'd run some errands and gone grocery shopping after I got home from work.  We enjoyed the beautiful cooler weather and virtually no breeze.  At one point, Wendy said we needed to run faster to make our own breeze!

After the run and during our cool down Wendy spilled the beans that all of my insurance talk allowed her to "zone out" and she was able to run further than she would have by herself.  (So basically I was boring her...she says I wasn't and that it's nice to have someone to talk so she can just run...I think she's being kind!)

We had a good time, got some exercise and it didn't cost a thing!

Had this thought after the date:

 "Life may not be a fairy-tale, but that shouldn't stop us from working to make it happily ever after!"

Here are some out takes as we tried to get the shot of us on the dam.
Accidentally zoomed in.
Still zoomed in & out of focus.

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