Wow, it is difficult to make time to do this blog thingy...did I bite off more than I can chew? Maybe I should have titled this at least 12 dates with my wife. Or maybe just blog about every 4th date. But that is not what I committed to do and really planning and going on the date is not going to be the hard thing it is going to be making the time to blog about it.
For our 17th wedding anniversary I took Wendy to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We dropped the kiddos off with my family at my sisters and headed out. Wendy suggested using the call ahead seating (she's so smart! Just one of the many reasons I love her) and it worked like a charm. We basically walked in, told them our name and they walked us to our table.
We had a wonderful dinner. We started out with some of the famous Texas Roadhouse rolls. I don't know if it's the rolls or the cinnamon butter, but they sure to taste good. I learned that while they are good, they are not Wendy's favorite rolls. I asked her who makes her favorite rolls? I was expecting the Green Gateau, but discovered that it is actually her very own rolls that are her favorite. (That does put somewhat of a cramp on gifting her her favorite rolls. Do I just by all the ingredients and say, Here you go babe, everything you need to make your favorite rolls!) Wendy had the chicken & ribs combo meal with veggies and mashed potatoes. I went with the steak & ribs combo with veggies and caesar salad. No dessert for us as we both didn't even finish what we were served.

It took a couple of takes (for me) to get a good picture. I keep looking at Wendy instead of looking at her camera. But when she's as beautiful as she is, you can't help but not look at hear:)
So after we were done with dinner and waiting for the waitress to come with the check I was asking Wendy if there was anything she wanted to do in 2012. We talked about her running and preparing for her 1st half marathon and how she's excited for that. (It happens in April and will be here before we know it!) I told her that I'd come across this cool website and texted her a link to it. I didn't mention what it was or anything, just said that it looked neat & that I thought we should do it. She pulled it up on her phone and read thru it and asked "is this for real" (or something to that effect, I should at least write some notes after these dates, it'd make recalling them so much easier). I said "Absolutely!" I was excited to see the excitement in her eyes.
After dinner we finished our date with a trip to Lowe's to look at ceiling fans and then headed back to get the kiddos. All in all, I would consider it very successful. I had a great time with my wife, gave her a present that we both will be able to enjoy this coming year and didn't break the bank on dinner. We put it on the Underhills tab. (That's a Fletch joke for those unfamiliar with the movie.)
Since at least one person was interested in the cost of the dates I've decided to put that info her at the end of the blog to give you an idea.
Cost of date: $18.00 (it was subsidized by a $25 gift card I had received for Christmas from my boss.) Yeah for free babysitting from the family!